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Got some money to invest but have no idea what stocks to buy? Equishark uses clever filters to show you hidden gems that the rest of the market may have missed.

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“Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.”

- Warren Buffett

EquiShark aims to be an indispensable tool for the value investor

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Find stocks while they're hot

We have created clever stock filters that deliver lists of cool companies that suit your risk tolerance and preferences!

  • High profits / earnings
  • On sale and trading below value
  • Large assets
  • And many more...

We have something special for the advanced users

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Click on any company to drill down to get details like price history, description and metrics.

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Value metrics

Check out our large collection of metrics

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Compare financials

Select financial data to see changes over time. Add multiple inputs and compare.

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Company financial data chart screenshot
Financial history
Company financial data screenshot

Full financial history

Complete financial history for any company since IPO.

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