Our goal

With EquiShark we are aiming to be the only tool you will need to search and find value investing stocks to invest in. We want to provide as much free content and functionality in our tools as possible, with deeper analysis and tools for the professional.

We have a passion for the stock market, capitalism, value investing and open source software. It is this combination that has motivated us to offer as much as we can free to the public while fencing off an area for the professional, or deeply serious investor, so we can fund out continued operation (and our own investing).

Our data

EquiShark sources data from reputable data providers, and the providers may change over time. Our requirements for data is that it be as accurate as possible and we double-check provider results against primary sources to confirm its validity before we decide to use them.

Our blog articles are written with the utmost care and accuracy. Sources are provided where possible and we welcome feedback and encourage you to report errors where they are found.

Our software

At EquiShark we are passionate programmers who love and benefit greatly from open source software libraries. Our aim is to continue to support open source projects by contributing code and financial aid where possible.

If you love programming is much as we do, and you'd like to join our team, please contact us over on our contact page.

Our disclaimer

We expend a lot of effort trying to make sure the information EquiShark provides is accurate. We do our best to determine the accuracy of our data from our provider, we check their results against primary sources (like quarterly and annual reports). We check any calculations we make against primary sources and show our working where appropriate.

It is possible that we make errors, and that our data provider has made errors, so we ask that you use EquiShark as a guide to help you find companies to investigate further. Investing in stocks is extremely risky and mistakes can be very costly. We don't ask that you share your profits with us, so please don't blame us for your losses!


EquiShark is provided for entertainment purposes only. While the we strive to make the information on this website as timely and accurate as possible, the we make no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information on this site, and expressly disclaim liability for errors, accuracy and omissions of any information on this site.

All information is provided 'as is' and you may not redistribute information displayed on or provided by this site. All information provided are indicative and not appropriate for trading purposes, EquiShark does therefore not bear any responsibility for any trading losses you might incur as a result of using this data.

Please be aware of the risks associated with trading on the stock market, it is one of the riskiest investment forms available.

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